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Dr David Rowell

Dr David Rowell

Fellow Centre for the Business and Economics of Health


Dr Rowell was awarded his PhD from the School of Economics, University of Queensland in 2012. His thesis tested for evidence of moral hazard in a market for automobile insurance and was supported by the Brian Gray Scholarship, 2010. Dr Rowell has since been employed as a postdoctoral research fellow in Health Economics at the Centre for Applied Health Economics (CAHE), Griffith University, and the Asia Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation (APCN), at the University of Queensland. His published research includes labour market outcomes for people living with spinal cord injury, adverse events in Australia's public hospitals, the economic costs of skin cancer and impact of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery on neurologic disease. Dr Rowell's current research foci include the economics of insurance, harm mitigation strategies for problem gamblers, and the impact of telehealth on the delivery of primary care by the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Research Interest
